The commemorative bench program includes a bench (existing or new) with a customized engraved plaque (dimensions are 2.125" x 5.875") for a period of ten years with the option to renew. Contributors have the choice of three styles of benches: wood, metal and a wood-metal combination. Contributors may choose from the current bench inventory available throughout the Town.
The bench remains the sole property of the Town of Tecumseh and becomes part of the park system for all to enjoy. The Town will maintain the bench's basic structure integrity, such as repair a broken board or replacement of missing hardware, in the same manner as other park benches, but will not be liable for damages incurred by circumstances beyond its control, such as acts of vandalism, wear and tea, or weather deterioration. Replacement or repair costs to the custom place, if desired, will be the responsibility of the contributor.
To purchase a commemorative bench, complete and submit an application. A representative from the Tecumseh Community & Recreation Services will contact you to confirm the order, process the payment and finalize the agreement.