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Alley Closing Requests

For full details of the Town’s policy regarding the closing and sale of alleys, please click here.

How do we classify alleys?

The Town’s alleys fall into 1 of 4 general classifications based on their usefulness. Alleys may move from one category to another based on changes in circumstances. (i.e., relocation of utilities). The four classifications of alleys can be found here.

If you would like to close your alley, please review the information below.

Before submitting an application to close your alley, we first need to determine if it’s eligible for closure. This involves checking the ownership/title and consulting with relevant Town Departments for feedback (this is called the "Preliminary Services"). There is a non-refundable fee of $40.00 for these services. If the cost to complete the necessary checks exceeds $40.00, we’ll let you know in advance and may ask for additional funds on a case-by-case basis.

Once the Preliminary Services are complete, we will email you the results to the address you provided in your request. If you have any questions about the process, feel free to reach out to us at

Request Preliminary Services

If the results of the Preliminary Services show that the alley may be eligible for closure, you can move forward with submitting an official Application to the Town. The Application fee is $200.00, and if the application is denied by Town Council or withdrawn before any public notice is made, you will receive a $100.00 refund.

You may want to consider asking your neighbors to contribute to the Application fee. However, please note that your neighbors are not obligated to share the cost, and it is your responsibility to submit the full payment. If your neighbors agree to contribute, you will need to collect those funds directly from them.

Once your Application is submitted, it will be reviewed by the Town Departments and affected utility companies for their feedback. The Director of Legislative Services will review all comments and determine whether the application can move forward.

If the Application is approved to proceed, the Director will prepare a report for Town Council to review. The report will outline the conditions of the alley closure, such as land costs, how the land will be divided, and any easements that may be involved. If the Council denies the application, you will be sent a letter with the decision.

All nearby property owners will be notified of the Council meeting where the report will be discussed. They will have the opportunity to share their thoughts, either in support or opposition to the application, by registering to speak at the meeting via the Delegation Form on the Town’s website.

If the Council approves the Application, you will receive a copy of the report, which will detail all aspects of the closure, including any conditions. The Town will then work with an Ontario Land Surveyor to create a Reference Plan outlining the closure and the land parcels available for sale (see "Cost of Land Transfer" below).

If a neighboring property owner does not wish to acquire land, they can waive their right to it by completing a “Cost Estimate for Closure and Conveyance” form. This will allow the owner on the opposite side of the alley to acquire the full width of the land. Please note, verbal waivers will not be accepted. If the form is not completed and submitted by the deadline, the Town may decide how to proceed with the land sale. Once the land cost and deed registration fees are finalized, each affected owner will receive a letter with the exact costs, which will need to be paid before the deed is prepared.

Proceed with Application

To determine how the closed alley will be sold, the following guidelines, set by the Town Council, will apply:

  • The purchase price for the closed alley will be based on market value.

  • In addition to the purchase price, each owner wishing to buy a portion of the closed alley will also need to cover:

    • The cost of preparing and registering the Transfer/Deed of Land
    • Any legal fees related to the transfer of ownership
    • Their share of the cost for preparing the Reference Plan
  • If street allowances are available for sale, they will be offered at market value as building lots, when possible, regardless of zoning.

  • If purchasing the land will allow a property owner to create a separate building lot, the price will also be set at market value.

  • Any costs for relocating or removing sewer, water, gas, telephone, or hydro lines will be the responsibility of the affected property owners.

  • All closed alleys will be sold in their current “as is” condition.

  • Unless otherwise directed, the Town will arrange for an Ontario Land Surveyor to prepare a Reference Plan, showing the boundaries of the closed alley and how it will be divided among the owners. This plan will need to be approved by the Town Planner.

  • Any conveyance of land will be subject to easements as required by the Town, utility companies, or other service providers.

Contact Us

Town of Tecumseh
917 Lesperance Road
Tecumseh, ON N8N 1W9
Phone: 519 735 2184
Fax: 519 735 6712
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