Tecumseh Road Main Street CIP
The Tecumseh Road Main Street Community Improvement Project Area represents the historical commercial core of the Town and comprises an approximate 1.2 kilometre corridor centred on Tecumseh Road from the VIA Railway on the east to the Town’s border with the City of Windsor just beyond Southfield Drive on the west (see Figure 1 below). The area encompasses 75 acres and approximately 115 properties with a mix of commercial and residential along with many tracks of underutilized land.
The purpose and effect of the Tecumseh Road Main Street CIP is to establish a community developed vision and provide a means for planning and promoting development activities to effectively use lands, buildings, and facilities to bring about revitalization and encourage both private and public investment in the CIP Area. This area aspires to serve as Tecumseh’s “downtown” or “main street” by becoming an important focal point in the community through the provision of a wide range of commercial services, mixed use (residential and commercial) development and unique amenities in a vibrant and walkable environment. To help achieve this vision, the CIP provides for a range of financial incentive programs to registered owners and tenants of land and buildings within the CIP Area. Application for a CIP grant is available, along with a summary of the financial incentives.

Proposed Amendment to CIP - January 28, 2025 Public Meeting
To help further improve the CIP, a Public Meeting will be held on January 28, 2025 to review proposed amendments to the CIP that will implement Initiative 5 of the Town of Tecumseh’s Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) by:
- reintroducing a revised Building and Property Improvement Grant (BPIG) Program for developments that include affordable rental housing units; and
- introducing a new Affordable Rental Housing Grant Program for developments that include affordable rental housing units.
These two programs are intended to provide adequate financial incentives to improve the likelihood of affordable units being constructed in the CIP Area.
In addition, the boundary of the CIP is proposed to be modified by removing lands that have already been fully developed and by adding 92 new properties totalling 21 acres in order allow for new strategically located residential properties to also take advantage of the CIP grant programs.
For further information on the Tecumseh Road Main Street CIP, please contact the Planning Department at 519-735-2184, ext. 123.
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Town of Tecumseh
917 Lesperance Road
Tecumseh, ON N8N 1W9
Phone: 519 735 2184
Fax: 519 735 6712
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