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Residents Respond to 2022 Budget Survey

Tecumseh residents who responded to the Town’s 2022 Budget Survey have provided Town Council with feedback about everything from stormwater management to rat control.

The 59 responses (20 fewer than to the 2021 Budget Survey) have been provided to Council and senior administration to consider during the 2022 budget deliberations. The survey was available on the Town’s website and at Town Hall from September 16 to October 6, and was also promoted online.

Stormwater management, which includes sewers, pumping stations and ponds, was the service the largest number of respondents wanted to see enhanced, with 85 per cent saying it should be improved. Next were the sanitary sewer system (63 per cent), trails (49 per cent), road maintenance (48 per cent) and rural municipal drainage (43 per cent).

Transit was the service most wanted to cut, with 22 per cent saying it should be reduced and just less than 14 per cent saying it should be enhanced.

The survey didn’t ask specifically about rodent control, but 27 respondents (46 per cent) complained about rats in the comment sections and said the Town needs to pay for rodent control.

Other survey responses revealed:

  • 42 per cent feel they receive fair value for the tax dollars they pay to the Town, while 38 per cent said they receive good value, 14 per cent poor value and seven per cent excellent value.
  • 49 per cent got their budget information from the Town’s website, 27 per cent from social media and 10 per cent from local media. More than eight per cent said they didn’t see any information, while just over three per cent received it from their local councillor and less then two per cent got it from public council meetings.
  • 42 per cent of those who completed the survey live in two-person households and 24 per cent in four-person households.
  • 78 per cent of those who completed survey are 40 to 69 years old.

Visit our website for more information and updates on the 2022 Budget process.