main street CIP

Tecumseh, ON - The Town of Tecumseh has begun improvements approved in the Town’s Main Street Community Improvement Plan (CIP) for the Tecumseh Road \ Lesperance Road area.  This week, pavement markings were completed that introduces turn lanes and designated on street parking between Shawnee Rd. easterly to Bedell Street.


The Town’s Vision for the CIP

This area aspires to serve as Tecumseh’s “downtown” or “main street” by becoming an important focal point in the community through the provision of a wide range of commercial services, mixed use (residential and commercial) development and unique amenities in a vibrant and walkable environment.


Tecumseh’s Main Street is a community place for commerce and gathering. Designed for walking and anchored by its historic buildings, the street is both a place to live and a regional destination. As the heart of the Tecumseh community, it is a gathering place with unique amenities and supported by great festivals and events.

Plans for the CIP began in 2016 which included detailed Traffic Analysis reports that showed minor delay in traffic due to the introduction of on-street parking.  Several public information centres were held where consultants and Town administration encouraged input into the design of the Tecumseh CIP Main Street from businesses and residents.


The Town is supporting local business in this area by implementing 64 new on street parking spaces for a total of 126 parking spaces (inclusive of off-street parking).  This is a first step towards a new streetscape project for this corridor that will transform Tecumseh Road to be used for ‘quality downtown traffic’ rather than ‘commuter traffic’ and provide traffic calming measures.  This main street design is not unlike what is found in many other small towns across Ontario.


“We are excited to take this next step in the transformation of our historic downtown as business and property developers continue to rebuild and revitalize this area as great space for people to gather and live in the heart of our community.” said Mayor Gary McNamara. 


Tecumseh Main Street CIP Information

Information on the Tecumseh Main Street CIP all Town of Tecumseh news and events is available at, Twitter (@TownofTecumseh), and Facebook (Town of Tecumseh).