Urban Forest Project
The Town of Tecumseh’s Urban Forest Project aims to plant trees in neighbourhoods across Town to increase our green infrastructure and promote cleaner air, reduce stormwater runoff and improve the tree canopy.
The trees will be planted in areas with wide boulevards that can accommodate trees within the municipal right of way. The Town will care for and maintain the trees during the establishment period (2 years) and continue with regular watering and mulching as required. You can review the pages from the Capital Works Plan, where the project is outlined here.
The Project will roll out in 5 phases, with phase 1 starting in Spring 2024. If you have any requests or concerns, please fill out the form here. More information on additional phases of the project will be communicated out beforehand.
You'll notice signs around Town marking where trees are set to be planted in the right of way. Over the coming weeks, contractors will be hard at work putting those trees in place.
On December 8, 2020, the Policies and Priorities Committee, consisting of the whole of Council, adopted the Tree Maintenance and Removal Policy No. 108. Adoption of this policy broadened the protection and enhancement of the Town’s tree cover by providing direction regarding tree planting, maintenance and removal. This policy was adopted in accordance with Section 270 of the Municipal Act, 2001 as amended. You can review Policy No. 108 here.
The policy outlines:
- Tree maintenance and/or removal standards
- Tree planting standards, including types of preferred trees
- New development requirements such as one tree every 12 metres (39 feet) is to be planted in the boulevard.
Submit Requests or Concerns Here
Benefits of Tree Canopy:
Health and Economic Benefits:
- Houses with trees tend to sell faster and for higher prices than those without trees.
- Street trees encourage more walking, thus improving health.
- By absorbing air pollutants, trees improve respiratory health, particularly among children.
- Studies show that just being able to see trees can improve focus and reduce stress.
- Other benefits include cleaner air, cooler temperatures, increased property values, and energy savings.
In addition to Health and Economic Benefits, there are Stormwater Benefits of Trees:
- Through the processes of interception, evaporation, and transpiration, trees and other vegetation capture and store a portion of rainfall and release water to the atmosphere, reducing the net amount of rainfall that becomes runoff.
To learn more about the benefits of trees and green infrastructure, visit www.treesaregood.org/.