Water Quality
The Town of Tecumseh is committed to supplying safe drinking water to our customers and maintaining strict adherence to all applicable legislative and regulatory requirements.
Drinking Water Quality Management System
The Safe Drinking Water Act mandates that all drinking water systems in Ontario implement a Drinking Water Quality Management System (DWQMS). The DWQMS is a proactive and preventative approach to assuring drinking water quality.
Operational Plan
The Town of Tecumseh's Drinking Water Quality Management System Operational Plan documents Tecumseh's Quality Management System developed for the Town's water distribution system.
Quality Management System Policy
The Corporation of the Town of Tecumseh is committed to supplying a safe, consistent, drinking water supply while maintaining strict adherence to all applicable legislative and regulatory requirements. The Corporation of the Town of Tecumseh will strive to achieve these goals through the implementation of a management system and staff competency to our consumers.
The municipal owners, management and the employees of The Corporation of the Town of Tecumseh who are directly involved in the supply of drinking water, share in the responsibilities of implementing, maintaining, and contributing to the continual improvement of the Drinking Water Quality Management System (DWQMS).
Water Distribution System Standards and Material Specifications
The Town of Tecumseh is committed to supplying a safe, consistent drinking water supply. The Water Distribution System Standards and Material Specifications are a minimum requirement to protect the water distribution system.